How AI is Re-shaping the Web Development?

artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is not a new concept for people. It has been around in the various forms, working at smaller as well as higher level, for decades now. Even the non-technical people knowingly and unknowingly are using AI in their daily lives, in the form of social media, email filters, web searching, and now the home assistants as well.

In web development industry, as well, AI is revolutionising the concept of the traditional websites. In the old days, with the low speed of internet, there used to be information-oriented static websites. But with the speeding up of the internet and the advancement of AI, the website owners are able to customize the website according to the user preferences. Now the websites are more user-friendly and are serving its visitors in different ways. With the advent of AI, we can see the world of web development change, or we can say improve in the following ways:

1. Chatbot: The Chatbots have a huge history, that started more than 50 years ago. But these Chatbots became more popular after Facebook launched the Chatbots for Facebook Messenger, back in 2016. Although other companies like WeChat and WhatsApp were already using the same technology, after Facebook Messenger launched one, there has been a lot of hype. By 2017, there were 4% companies that were using Chatbots, and currently, 84% of the companies are already working on it, intending to adopt it as soon as 2020 arrives.

As the name suggests, Chatbots are a piece of programs that exist on the chatting apps and are supported by machine learning and natural language processing. An AI-powered Chatbot is able to interact with the humans in a more natural way, with the help of its learning capabilities. The medium of the communication for the Chatbot is any of the human understandable natural languages, like English, Spanish, etc. By the time the Chatbots gains more information, they become smarter, resulting in increased efficiency. Many of the apps today are operating those Chatbots, and to enhance the user experience, it is, for sure, the need of the hour.

2. Self-learning Algorithms: The scope of AI is beyond imagination. And, self-learning algorithms is one of the tiniest parts of it. AI is capable of self-learning and facilitating programming. This feature of AI, allows it to predict the basic programming operations that will be required to solve a certain problem. AI can easily do the basic tasks like updating and adding records to a database, so it can learn the other functions as well, by evaluating the whole development process. Using AI in web development can enhance the performance and build smarter products.

3. AI Virtual Assistants: The AI-powered virtual assistants are capable of simplifying the complex task of web design and development. Given proper instructions by the developer, an AI can build a personalized product including the required brand, design, layout, and content. AI in web development, with the help of computational creativity and experience intelligence, can also reduce repetitive tasks and improve performance.

4. Users Store Experience: AI is the best way to enhance the user experience. With the self-learning capability of AI algorithm, a web developer can customize the user experience based on the customer preferences, browsing history, location, etc. If we just take a look at the various shopping websites including Amazon and eBay, AI is already actively customizing those websites according to its customer’s previous shopping habits. Storing the preferences intensifies the user experience as well as the efficiency of the website to deliver better to its visitors.

5. AI for Predictive SEO: Google itself uses AI for the page ranking and evaluating their SEO. So it is quite reasonable to rely on AI for the SEO of a website. In fact, AI is more capable of interpreting the patterns in data than the humans. AI does not only help in better SEO and pay-per-click spend management but also can easily handle the market trends analysis, site performance analysis, competitor insights, customer intent reports. In the coming future, we can see Google use objects as queries rather than typed keywords so that AI will capture the process and use the data correctly, and automate the search strategies.

6. Testing & Quality Assurance: Many of the developers have already adopted AI for automated testing for web development. Setting up an algorithm with the needed functionalities, the testing and quality assurance can be left in the hands of AI. It makes the process faster as well as accurate, reducing a lot of workloads. Also, with the self-learning, AI enabled testing programs will learn from the historical data and improve itself every single time. In fact, Microsoft is already working on an artificial intelligence bug search engine for developers, named Microsoft Security Risk Detection.

AI is the next big thing and expecting it to be an essential part of web development is quite obvious. Various web development companies are already using it in few of their web development works, and in the coming future, we may see AI reducing the stress and improving the performance.

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