Latest Trends and Challenges of SEO in 2020


Almost every day, a dozen new websites and businesses take shape. Since most businesses are now moving digital, it has become more important than ever before that companies develop a good website for their products and services. In order to maintain a good website that attracts new visitors, companies need to focus on their SEO. Therefore, keeping track of the latest SEO strategies and trends will help companies improve their website’s rank. Are you investing in the right SEO strategy? What are the best SEO trends to follow in 2020? Here’s a look at some of the hottest SEO trends of this new year.

Latest SEO Trends of 2020

Voice search:

In 2017, studies show that over 33 million voice searches were made by users all around the world, and statistics from 2019 show that more than 20% of queries done on mobile devices were voice searches. Hence, it is easy to say that voice searching will be one of the key aspects of 2020 as it becomes more and more popular, by the day. Another advantage of voice search is that most of such queries tend to be long-tail ones, which show that the user is in his or her consideration stage. Such users tend to convert faster and easier than other users in their awareness stage, which is characterized by short-tail queries.

Featured snippets:

Featured snippet act as a sort of summary to an answer to queries raised on search platforms and engines such as Google puts it above their organic ads on the SERP result. They have created many changes in result algorithms for search engines throughout the years, and studies have shown that such snippets get more traction than the first result itself! Almost half the questions asked on Google get their answers from the SERP itself, leading to no extra tab opening. Therefore, having specific, question-based answers will lead to higher rankings and traffic.

SEO Influencers:

Studies show that over 17% of businesses spend heavily on influencers. This shows just how integral influencer marketing campaigns are for businesses, specifically so for companies working within the fashion, e-commerce, and lifestyle industry. Since most users are now bombarded with ads, they prefer getting suggestions from people they trust and look up to. Hence, such influencers can go a long way in helping your brand build a reliable and viable brand image. Therefore, influencers help websites improve their traction, traffic, reliability, visibility, and reach.

Bi-directional Encoder Representation Transformers:

BERT helps people train their own query answering and settling system, and came to be in 2014 after Google took up the RankBrain algorithm. This system affects one out every ten searches and companies which utilize this model to improve their rankings significantly. Also, studies show that questions containing words such as ‘to’, ‘from’ and ‘on’ are most impacted by BERT.

Video content:

Google has made it clear that videos are an integral part of their ranking algorithm and hence, companies need to make sure they include this form of content in their digital marketing strategy. As per research by Forrester, video content will show up on SERP 50 times higher than plain text. Furthermore, 62% of Google searches contain some form of video content. Businesses can leverage this by embedding videos on their website to improve traffic and engagement rates.

Content length:

Different websites have different types of content, of varying length and form. The one thing that articles have in common on pages with high traffic is that they are all of high-quality. However, studies show that the top 10 search results contain a minimum or average of 2000 words. Websites with high-quality, long-form type of content seem to enjoy higher visibility and reach. But, in order for this to be true, the content on your page must specifically answer frequently asked questions comprehensively.

Better Digital Experience:

In 2020, page loading speed will become an even more important factor than before, and over 44% of companies say that they have adopted a digital-first approach to better their customer experience. With decreasing attention spans, people are less likely to wait for a page to load, in order to see what is on the page. Hence, companies need to prioritize their requirements and needs, because to build long-lasting client relationships, companies need to invest in building great customer experience.

As you can see, SEO is a complex phenomenon that depends heavily on several factors. Therefore, in order for a company to maintain a good website they need to be aware of the factors involved and follow the right trends. Since this is a very important part of any company’s growth, it is best if companies allow professionals to handle such matters. At Xornor Technologies, we have decades’ worth of experience in the field of SEO optimization and can, therefore, help you build the website of your dreams. So, let us help you grow both your website and your business.

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