PowerPoint to HTML5: Embedding PPTs into Web Pages


A presentation is one of the most effective and one of the oldest methods to share information and knowledge with the target audience. PowerPoint presentations are being used by students, teachers, business leaders, and others to present the idea or to share the knowledge.

Today, no corporate or sales meeting is complete without a PowerPoint presentation. Earlier salesperson either used to send presentations as an attachment to the target audience or visited them personally to present and explain. In the case of an email attachment, they were never certain if the customer has seen the presentation.

Such shortcomings gave rise to new use cases of sharing presentations on the web pages. With the launch of many presentation sharing websites, today, you just upload the presentation to one such website and share the link with the client. Moreover, the analytics offered by these websites let you know if the client has viewed the presentation or not. Though you can still send your PPTs through the email, using the third-party presentation sharing websites can be a great option for you due to the following few reasons:

  1. Create Rich-media HTML5 Slideshows: The presentation sharing websites use the PowerPoint to HTML5 converter, through which the uploaded ppt files retain all its features, including the animations and transitions as well as the audio-videos. So you do not have to worry if the recipient of the ppt has got the right software to view the presentation. They will see the ppt as you had built it.
  2. Compatible with all the Devices: Keeping the huge userbase in mind, the presentation viewer on those websites are built to be compatible with all the browsers as well as the devices like iPad iPhone and Android. Moreover, there is no need for the flash to view the PPT on the website.
  3. Embed, Share and Download: A presentation sharing website allows you to embed the presentation on to your own website or blog through an embed code. Or, you can simply share the link to the presentation with your clients over the various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. And, to make it more confidential you can send the link to your clients, using Whatsapp or email. These platforms also let your clients download the presentation to their systems.
  4. Cloud Storage: As soon as you get registered to one of these third-party presentation sharing websites, you get access to the cloud storage of the website, where you are allowed to upload unlimited presentations. Many websites offer unlimited uploads for free, and some also include a payment plan along with a variety of features.
  5. Free: What can be better than a free cloud space and presentation sharing service? Yes, most of these websites provide free submissions for the presentation and store them on their cloud storage.

These presentation sharing websites are best suited for people who want to share their knowledge with a large audience. Though it also enables you to choose between keeping the presentation public or private, the private feature of the websites makes the put a limitation on the accessibility of the presentation.

Security and confidentiality always remain a concern for big corporates and organizations. They are always apprehensive of sharing their proprietary content using a third party service. Due to this, many big organizations have built their own PowerPoint to HTML5 platforms, which they use for their internal and external needs.

Creating Your Own PowerPoint to HTML5 Conversion and Sharing Platform:

Though the presentation sharing websites are useful for many, the big organisation, most of the times, go for developing their own PowerPoint to HTML5 conversion platform, for reasons below:

  1. Security: There is always a risk with keeping your confidential content on free websites, as websites may be hacked and confidential information may go in the public domain. So when your organization has got its own PPT to HTML5 converter, you do not have to worry about the security of the presentation and its content as you own the servers and can implement any kind of security measures required.
  2. Confidentiality: When you are sharing your presentation on a third-party presentation sharing website, it becomes open to the general public, that in most of the cases may not be your preference. Though you get to keep the presentation private, it becomes difficult for sharing this private presentation with your target audience. In those cases, your own PPT to HTML5 converter may be a great help for keeping the confidentiality of your presentation.
  3. Control: Having your own PPT to HTML5 converter and sharing platform gives you more control over the platform to address different use cases that may arise due to business needs.

Presentations can hold a lot of information, which is the most important for you and your organization. Sometimes you want to share it with the general public to spread the knowledge, and sometimes, it is designed for some specific group of officials. So having a PowerPoint to HTML5 Converter of your own can be a plus for your organization. If you are also thinking of developing a PowerPoint to HTML5 converting, and sharing platform, you can rely on the experienced team of Xornor Technologies. Contact us today to know more about the process of development.

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