Due to the rising number of mobile phone users, having a mobile-friendly WordPress site is now a necessity. Therefore, WordPress development companies in India and around the world are working towards making this possible. No matter how common a mobile-friendly site is, they are not easy to make and maintain. So how do WordPress development […]

Smartphones have become an inseparable part of our daily life. And there is no denial in the fact that these are one of the biggest problem solvers too. Thanks to the mobile-friendliness of the websites and the emergence of various apps, people do not need to hassle with the big machines and their connection wires […]

There was a time when using a particular website on a small mobile screen was such a pain. As the screen sizes were really small and the website didn’t fit into it, one had to scroll up, down, left, right, and in all the directions, to look for a single thing on the site. And […]